(812) 547-7059 | Worship every Sunday @ 10 a.m.
Learn about our worship times and available ministries.
Come Worship with us live on Sundays at 10:00 AM Central time in our sanctuary or join us on Facebook Live. If you can’t be there at 10:00 AM on Sunday, you can view previously recorded services on YouTube.
Being the hands and feet of Christ in our community.
Benevolent Fund
The EUCC Benevolent Fund lends out a wide variety of hospital equipment to residents in our community, helping them reduce some of the extensive costs that can come with medical emergencies or illness. Started decades ago as an outpouring of sympathy for a prominent church member, the Benevolent Fund has grown to serve many individuals in the region. Please contact the church office to inquire about use of medical equipment.
Table of Blessings
Table of Blessings serves free, hot, nutritious meals every Thursday at 5 pm in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the food and fellowship of a community meal with no questions asked.
There’s no such thing as too many cooks in the Table of Blessings kitchen – you can help prepare food, serve guests, clean up or visit with the folks enjoying their meals. Preparation starts at 4 p.m. and food service is from 5 to 6 p.m.
Donations of food, workers and money are always appreciated. Evangelical United Church of Christ and Catholic Charities partner in providing the core group of volunteers, and we welcome assistance from individuals, prayer groups, businesses, youth groups and civic organizations.
For more information, call Catholic Charities at (812) 547-0903.
Emergency Assistance Fund
Knowing there will always be a need to help those less fortunate in times of stress, EUCC has set up a special Emergency Assistance fund in order to help our friends and neighbors in need to pay urgent bills in an emergency. Working in conjunction with other organizations that are serving those in need, Evangelical United Church of Christ is able to respond to requests for assistance with direct payments to utility companies, grocery stores and clinics on behalf of individuals in times of despair and desperation.